/* Hi, I´m Alejandro */

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Alejandro Jaramillo

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Java
  • Unity / C#
  • JavaScript / HTML / CSS

Soft Skills

  • Creative
  • Teamworker
  • Leadership
  • Autonomous

... Hi, I´m a software engineering student at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia. I´m a AI learner, more specific the AI in games, also I´m a game developer in Unity and I have plans to start learning Unreal Engine 5 :P

Currently I work as student assistant in the courses of the Design and Object Oriented Programming; and the Data Structures and Algorithms at the university. Also, I´m preparing for Competitive programming competitions such as ICPC and Google Kickstart :)



VR and AR

I´m researching the development of VR and AR, with AI

Computational Models

I´m researching the applications of math in computational models, such as Data Science and Criptography.

Competitive programming

I´m training with the IEEE, to compete in the ICPC challenge this year.


I´m learing ML and LNP, at DeepLearning.AI


I´m in a bootcamp by Blockchain Bites, where I'm learning Solidity and the construction of smart contracts.

ACM Uniandes

Currently I´m the president of the ACM chapter of Los Andes University.


<Contact Me>

If you wanna be part of my proyects, or want more info, feel free to contact me :)